martes, 6 de octubre de 2020



The vital functions in living things

Nutrition: the organism obtains and transforms the energy it needs for survival.

-          Animals

o   Digestion

o   Respiration

o   Transport

o   Excretion

-          Plants

o   Absorption

o   Transpiration

o   Photosynthesis

o   Respiration

Classification of nutrition

-         - Autotroph: organisms that produce their own food. Plants are autotrophs.

-        -  Heterotrophs: organisms that need other organisms for nourishment, as they are incapable of producing their own food. Animals and fungi are heterotrophic organisms.


Reproduction: This is a function common to all living organisms and which ensures continuity of the species.

Types of reproduction

-          -Asexual: the simplest form of reproduction, consisting of the division of an individual into two or more parts, each of which forms a new individual.

-         - Sexual: a new individual is formed by the joining of two sex cells or gametes.


Interaction: All living organisms interact with their environment. The environment produces stimuli that provoke a response in living organisms.

-          Animals:

o   They interact with their environment to find food and defend themselves.

o   The senses and the nervous system are directly involved in the interaction function.

-          Plants:

o   They respond to environmental stimuli in various ways such as moving towards the sun or developing extensive roots.