miércoles, 11 de noviembre de 2020



 Coastal relief

The coast is the area of land next to the sea.  Spain´s coasts are divided into three areas: Cantabrian, Atlantic and Mediterranean.

The type of coastal relief is the result of many factorserosion by waves, wind and rain, etc.


The Cantabrian coast: 

The coastline is predominantly straight, with occasional areas where the sea enters inland. It is characterized by a rocky coastline with many cliffs.

The Atlantic Coast:

  • The Galician Atlantic coast is predominantly rocky, with high cliffs.
  • The Andalusian Atlantic coast is straight, low lying and sandy and has numerous beaches, wetlands (low areas of land flooded with water) and dunes.
  • The Canary Islands have sheer cliffs, ascending to 100-400 metres, as a result of their volcanic origins. 

The Mediterranean coast

  • The Catalan and Balearic coasts are characterised by a combination of high, rocky areas and low-lying, sandy zones.
  • Valencia and Murcia have mostly low-lying and sandy beaches.
  • The Mediterranean coast in Andalucía has stretches of flat areas, followed by coastline formed by cliffs.